I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day on Tuesday! I spent my Valentine’s evening waiting in my car for Triple A to arrive and jump the battery. These incidents seem to happen to me quite often, hence why I shouldn’t run out of material for this blog.
Anyway, since today marks the beginning of my 19th week of pregnancy, I figured that a posting about Baby Kopp would be appropriate.
Trust me, I do not intend to be one of those overkill moms that can only talk about their children. So don’t worry or expect that you’re only going to hear about Baby Kopp from here on out. I admit that I’ve never been a kid lover or the person that gushes over babies. Not to say that I won’t like my own kid, I just don’t anticipate suddenly enjoying other people’s children now that I’m a mom-to-be. I’m happy to be pregnant, but there is no way that I’ll post a sonogram photo on Facebook , take part in a maternity photo shoot, or let near strangers rub my belly (or close friends for that matter, so consider this a warning – do not touch my stomach!). I don’t want to talk about my pregnancy non-stop nor do I really want to read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”
I know that pregnancy is a necessary evil in order to have children, but I really wish I could skip this part. I don’t understand all those women out there that claim pregnancy is a wonderful time of life. So far, other than the excitement of knowing you’ll soon have a little one in your life, it’s been a pretty crappy experience. The restrictions are oppressive – I dearly miss wine (oh how I ache for a glass of wine), goat cheese, lunchmeat, and cold and migraine medicine. I also miss my flat stomach, my clear skin, my cute clothing wardrobe, and my energy. It stinks being tired so much, something that nobody warns you about before you get pregnant. I confess that I may have referred to Baby Kopp as “The Thing Sucking the Life Out of Me” more than once. I miss my old active and lively self that could get a million things done in one day. And though I’ve passed the morning sickness stage now, I most definitely did not enjoy the months of nausea. All in all, my general conclusion about pregnancy is that these 9 months can’t go by fast enough.
Although the pregnancy part hasn’t been very thrilling so far, I am excited by the baby part – I love shopping for baby clothes, figuring out the items we’ll need for the baby, and planning the nursery. So today I’m going to share some of my dream nursery ideas, meaning that I can’t really afford any of the following but I still like to look/imagine! Let me know what you think or share your nursery finds with me.

I Like the things that you posted. The last two photos can be done yourself. Just find some nice white frames and use the computer to design and print what you want on the inside.
That’s just what I plan to do for the artwork prints! DIY is the way to go.
your post made me laugh… I assume you’ve googled “awkward maternity pictures”? it’s amazing/terrifying.
Yes, I have! And I have seen plenty posted on Facebook. Exactly why I won’t be posing for pregnancy photos anytime soon!
Love the wall o’books — and it’s definitely affordable — IKEA has those shelves:)
your posts make me laugh out loud….i can’t wait for more installments!