As I mentioned in my last posting, Richard and I have begun preparing Baby Kopp’s room. Not that it looks like much yet. It’s packed with stuff, since we have both our guest bedroom furniture and our new nursery items crammed in there together. It looks more like a locker from Storage Wars than a baby’s room.
At least I finally emptied out the closet to make room for Its things. I had to banish my amazing shoe collection and dozens of dresses to the attic. Sigh…it was a difficult moment of separation. Sharing closet space with a third person blows so far! I was really reliant on that “extra” second bedroom closet since we were stupid enough to buy a 110-year-old home with closets the size of a chimney shaft (and I mean that literally – my closet is seriously in the chimney). I guess this is my first lesson in the selflessness of parenting. Time to get used to putting another human being first, and trade in my heels for diapers. Alas, I’m going to miss my selfish lifestyle and my second closet.
Despite having to give up my closet, preparing Its lair has been my favorite part of the pregnancy. Probably because I love decorating and DIY projects, like any other loyal HGTV fan. And thanks to Craigslist and Richard’s handyman work, I think we’re on our way to creating the perfect little nest for Baby Kopp! So here’s a preview of our work-in-progress nursery.
Yes, I splurged and bought this chandelier from PB Teen. I don’t regret it.
The new color of our nursery walls…Summer Sandcastle.
We considered using a hand-me-down crib. But all the warnings about crib regulations and standards convinced my paranoid self to buy new. We did get it from Walmart, which is kind of a compromise between new and used – it was a fraction of the cost of the nice cribs from Babies R’ Us and Pottery Barn Kids.
I found this old dresser on Craigslist and it was in bad shape. But Richard turned it into the perfect dresser/changing table for our baby with a fresh coat of white paint and shiny new glass knobs. A true diamond in the rough!
I admit that I spent more on the new hardware than I did on the dresser itself. But I fell in love with these glass knobs from Anthropologie.
I got these polka dot sheets and a matching changing pad cover on clearance from the Land of Nod. They were a great deal and became my color inspiration for the room…yellow, orange, bright aqua, and green.
I’m really into zigzag patterns right now, so I couldn’t pass up this yellow rug from Urban Outfitters.
The reading corner…I can’t wait to fill these Ikea shelf ledges with children’s books!
Have I mentioned that I love pigs? And money too. So I obviously couldn’t resist this adorable piggy bank from Home Goods.
We have a small, old end table that we’re going to paint this bold, bright teal color.
This is on my wish list…just waiting for it to go on sale! It’ll be a nice pop of color on a rocking chair, don’t you think?
The room just wouldn’t be complete without the presence of our other two children, Lady and Walter. I made these chalk pastel pictures for Richard’s 30th birthday present last year and we’ve been waiting to figure out the perfect spot to hang them. Now they’re finally going to find a home in the nursery.

Totally loving everything so far! Especially the chandelier–that is worthy of splurging, for sure.
love the colours you have there – especially that teal!
First of all, I love everything! The colors are great. The chandelier is well worth it. The best part is the pictures of Lady and Walter. Not only is it nice that they share in the new arrival, but you drew them yourself. I can’t wait to see everything in person.