We’ve officially made it through the first three months – the hardest time of new parenthood, so they say. At this stage, babies should start sleeping through the night and the dreaded colic fades away. But Owen still wakes up more than once during the night and he still has crying spells. However, he’s slowly sleeping for longer and longer periods of time and his crying fits are less and less frequent. I’m finally feeling confident and at ease in my new role as mother. I can barely remember those first few weeks when breastfeeding was extremely difficult. After three incredibly fast yet incredibly long months, things are calming down. The good times finally outweigh the bad times.
Owen continues to change almost daily. He’s been very busy during the past month. He fell off the couch for the first time. He pooped on my lap during church. He watched his first fireworks display. He can now roll over from his tummy to his back. He smiles and laughs almost constantly, even in his sleep. He’s begun reaching and grabbing for things (mostly my hair, unfortunately, since it’s already falling out in gobs…why doesn’t anyone tell pregnant women that they’re going to lose all their hair post-partum??). Owen tries to sit-up, which makes him topple over. He’s still a chubby boy, weighing about 16 pounds. He now wears size 6-12 months. But I love his thunder thighs.
The best thing of all…his face lights up when he sees me or Richard. It really does make all the hard work worth it and then some.
Here are our October-themed photos for Owen’s three month birthday. What a cute little pumpkin. Or sort of little anyway.
And the best part…the bloopers!
Both our sons love the camera.
Only Daddy can get him this excited.
How did this number 3 get here??
Top-heavy tot leaning forward…

his pics are adorable! love him!