Is it really already November?? I hope everyone had a fun Halloween and a delicious National Candy Corn Day.
I’m sad that Halloween is over. I LOVE Halloween, so I feel like a kid the day after Christmas, feeling the letdown following all the preparation and excitement. Or maybe it’s just me coming down from my candy corn sugar high.
Halloween was also much less festive this year, due to Hurricane Sandy. Instead of buying candy last minute for trick-or-treat night, we were stuck in our homes worrying for three days. Instead of enjoying crisp fall weather, we were indoors watching hurricane coverage on TV and eating candy corn (okay, maybe that part wasn’t so bad). Instead of carving pumpkins, we were fixing our fence that blew down in the hurricane winds. Thankfully, that was the worst of it for us. But we’re still devastated by the destruction at the Jersey shore, our second home and definitely my favorite place in the world. It’s heartbreaking. So, even though I was disappointed that the annual Halloween parade and trick-or-treat was cancelled in our town, I also didn’t feel much like celebrating this year.
And one of the best parts of Halloween is the candy sale the day after – I have to stock up on the 50% off candy corn! This year it was ruined. All the confusion about trick-or-treat being moved to another date because of the hurricane has resulted in no post-Halloween sale in Jersey. Bummer.
We did manage to get some Halloween celebrating in before Sandy arrived. It is, after all, Owen’s first Halloween. My sister and brother-in-law hosted a small gathering at their house. Everyone who attended had to dress up. Of course, Richard and I made our costumes a family affair – both of us love a good theme. Owen was a monkey (the cutest monkey ever). Walter was a banana (the cutest banana ever even if his hat made him look a little bit like a KKK member). Richard and I were Tarzan and Jane. Being a jungle barbarian seemed particularly fitting for Richard after he recently used my pumped breast milk with his cereal when we ran out of milk. He’s so resourceful, definitely could survive in the wilderness with some apes. Anyhoo, here are the photos.
Censored photo…someone’s banana is showing. And someone else’s is almost showing. (Richard told me his loincloth needed to be this short to be authentic.)
What a sexy and pale Tarzan! Not much sunlight gets through those jungle leaves. Good thing Owen is too young to remember this Halloween.
Even better with his spear and tied-back hair…
Walter, sans his KKK hat. Best banana in the bunch.

Love the costumes. Louisa, I made a candy corn run today. CVS didn’t have much but our KMart had lots – stocked up. Sorry you couldn’t find any in NJ. Richard should stop in the stores in Philly, should be able to find some. Have to go quickly, the stores are frantically setting up for Xmas.
So sorry to see your fence blown apart. How about your parents’ place at the shore?
Thanks, Jean! My parents’ shore home made it through the storm – just missed getting flooded. We’re so relieved and thankful.
Glad to hear your parents were spared any damage. My daughter, Debbie lives in Cheltenham Pa just about 10 minutes from us and was without power Monday until 10 pm last night. Then their hot water heater leaked in their basement.
Too cute!
What can I say, once again you two so make me laugh!! I really want these pictures. Owen is really going to have alot of fun in his life!!