How do the months go by so quickly? Owen’s already fourteen months old and fall has arrived. The changing seasons are making me feel nostalgic, thinking about a year ago when Owen was just a little baby and we were together all the time through the autumn days (we took a LOT of walks).
This fall, Owen is no longer an infant. Instead of pushing him in a stroller on our walks, I’m running after him trying to keep him out of our neighbors’ yards. And my speedy little guy has really started losing his baby look. Guess I can’t call him Baby O anymore. But I can say “hi” to him and he’ll say it back!
Yes, that’s right – Owen has officially learned a few words. He can say four things clearly: “hi”, “bye”, “thank you” and “this”. I’m so relieved that his first words weren’t something like “shit” or “balls” (which he honestly hears pretty often in our house).
Owen’s favorite word? “This” – he says it all the time. When he wants something, he points at it and asks “this?” When he hands me something, he says “this!” When he shoves his binky in my mouth, he declares “this!” At first, I didn’t understand why he says “this” so much. But then I realized I say it to him constantly:
Owen, do you want this?
Take this.
How about this?
Hold this.
What’s this?
Eat this.
Don’t eat this.
Why do you want this?
Give me this.
I say it almost as often as I say no. Thankfully, Owen has not yet learned to say “no.” But he definitely knows what it means. When I sternly say “NO,” Owen stops what he’s doing, looks at me, and wails for about 3 seconds. Yes, he knows what “no” means and he doesn’t like it.
And since it’s September, I know you’ve all been wondering one thing….
Does Owen like candy corn like his mum?
No need to worry – He LOVES it!!! He gobbled up his first kernel without hesitation and in that moment, I knew for sure Owen will be a mama’s boy.
Owen’s favorite things this month? He was loving his bat and balls and Daddy was loving teaching him how to hit indoors (not cool, Richard, not cool). Now we’ve got a little ballplayer roaming the house, throwing balls and hitting whatever he feels like with his bat.
He also loved his singing and dancing Happy Birthday elephant this past month. I think you can tell how much he enjoys his elephant in these pics:
And what did Owen check off his “to do” list this month? He ate his very first sundae at an ice cream shoppe – yummy!
Plus he visited Washington D.C. for the first time. He didn’t seem much impressed by the monuments or the White House (in fact, he threw up in the middle of the National Mall), but he did like the animals at the National Zoo.

LOVE the last of photo of him in front of the White House! That’s great!