Time for the monthly update on Owen! Can you believe he’s 19 months old, closer to two years than one year old??
The more Owen talks, the more he makes me laugh. His rudimentary grasp of language is entertaining. He calls grapes “balls” which I find hilarious. When his nose is runny, he asks for a tissue and wipes his nose, doing his best to be like Mommy and Daddy. He likes learning new words; every few minutes he asks “What’s dat?” This can sometimes get old but I can tell he’s really listening and trying to learn what things are, so I try to patiently answer his constant barrage of questions.
He’s getting faster at learning though; it only took a few minutes for Richard to teach him to say “Cuckoo!” while twirling his finger at the side of his head. (Yes, these are the things we’ve decided to teach our child first in life. You never know when you might need to indicate that someone has a screw loose.)
Although he’s on his way to becoming a mini grown-up, he still has moments that remind me that he’s a toddler:
- One of his favorite activities is putting things down my shirt and then “searching” for them. He always acts surprised and excited when he finds an item, even though he’s the one that put it there 30 seconds before.
- Keeping consistent with his obsession with my chest, he recently grabbed and squeezed my boob in church while squealing, right in front of the appalled faces of an elderly couple.
- A couple weeks ago, Owen had to join me in the shower. To my horror, he decided to take a number two while I shampooed my hair. Well played, Owen. Well played.
- He still enjoys the theme song for the Caillou cartoon with the inexplicably bald boy. The Caillou song does for Owen what the Full House theme song does for me.
This past month Owen had his well check-up appointment at the pediatrician’s. He weighed a little over 27 pounds, which is hefty for an 18 month old. And he’s shorter than average. In case you can’t figure it out on you own, (height < average) + (weight > average) = short and fat.
Considering his size, it’s unfortunate that he loves tackling his parents. He pats the floor and tells us to lie down. Then he gets a running start and flops on top of us. Twenty-seven pounds of solid toddler coming down on you like a sack of potatoes doesn’t feel good. But I let him do it anyway because he looks so darn cute when he’s having fun.
The high point of the month happened on Valentine’s Day, when Owen finally said “love you.” We’ve been trying to get him to say this for months. But apparently he only says it on February 14th; since that day, every time I ask him to say “love you” he vehemently says “NO.” But at least I have the memory of his Valentine’s Day words.
Enough reading – it’s time to look at some pictures! Here are Owen’s 19 month photos featuring his favorite thing this month: his toy trucks from his construction site playset.
This month we decided to take Owen to see some sights in Philadelphia. He’s been to Philly many times, but like all local people, we never take the time to visit the tourist spots. Since Owen is going to be a big brother, it seemed fitting for him to experience more of the City of Brotherly Love. So we stopped at Love Park for some photos with the iconic statue:
He also posed with the art work of board game pieces around the Municipal Building:
And we went to Philadelphia’s Academy of Natural Sciences for the dinosaur exhibit! Owen liked digging for fossils best.
Look out Owen! T-Rex is behind you: