Little Carmendy is five months old. And even though we’re in the midst of the long weeks of winter, the days are going by quickly! There’s barely enough time in one day to feed the kids, get them dressed, put them to bed, and clean up their accidents and blow-outs.
The past few weeks were extra fast and busy with the holiday season. Carmendy had her first Christmas, her first trip to Richard’s hometown, her first New Year, and her first snowfall. December was filled with festivities – gingerbread house making, light show hayrides, Christmas tree decorating, and more. Much of the time she looked apathetic and chewed on her hand. Luckily, Owen was there to unwrap all her gifts and declare them his.
Carmendy is showing more personality now. She loves to giggle and is quite ticklish. She’s finally interested in her toys (or at least enjoys chewing on them). Her favorite activity is watching the world around her. She stands in her jumperoo and looks out the French doors, staring at the trees and birds. This keeps her content for an hour; sometimes it even puts her to sleep. She’s also fascinated by Owen. His constant running around and chattering provides endless entertainment for her. I often catch her looking at him and laughing. I’m sure she’s thinking “What a nut!”
Carm has really found her voice over the past month. She squeaks and squeals whenever she’s awake. I think she’s going to be another loud, talkative Italian girl in the family. When she makes noise, Owen likes to tell me: “Mommy, she’s talking! She’s talking to ME!!!” When she cries, Owen likes to tell me: “Mommy, she’s crying! She needs YOU. Pick her UPPPP! She wants boob!!” (Two-year-olds know everything, especially how to parent.)
Our girl is getting more mobile. She can roll over both ways. She can scoot across the floor on her back. She can’t sit on her own yet, but she’s getting closer.
As the second child, Carmendy is often left to find her own entertainment. I remember singing and playing little games with Owen when he was this age — he loved Pat-A-Cake. Fast forward two years and the only thing musical Carmendy hears from my mouth is when I’m singing (off-key) with the radio something inappropriate like “Is it weird that your bra remind me of a Katy Perry song?” (because that’s what all moms do while driving around in a minivan, right?) or when I’m instructing Owen to pick up his toys with Barney’s Clean Up song (usually sung with a lot less cheer than Barney and a lot more edge and gritted teeth).
I do have some peaceful moments with Carm, mostly when I’m putting her to bed at night. I wish these moments would last longer. As my second child, I know more than ever that it won’t be long before my Carm Bean isn’t a baby anymore. On that sad sappy note, here are her five month photos!
Brrr…look how cuddly and cute our snow baby looks in her January-themed photos!
And New Year, new bloopers…enjoy!
“Whatcha talkin’ bout, Willis?”
Reflecting on her evil plan…muahahahahaha!