How the heck did that happen?? Six months have really gone by since Carmendy arrived in our kitchen? Gosh, it went by fast. (Yet an hour of Caillou and a 2 a.m. feeding can feel so long. The great mysteries of life.)
In fact, Carm is 6 and 1/2 months old. I’m a wee bit behind with blogging, thanks to a few sick days. I took these photos and wrote this post a couple weeks ago and I’m only now getting around to publishing it. The good news is that you won’t have to wait very long for her 7 month update, ha!
Carmendy is as sweet as ever. No big milestones this month, except that she can sit on her own for longer and longer periods of time (at least until Owen or our pup Sophie knock her over). I suppose she should have tried “real” food by now, but she’s the second kid and I forgot. So, until I remember to purchase baby food (because I’m sure as hell not pureeing anything), Carmendy remains on a breast milk only diet.
She is getting stronger. She likes to “stand” so she hangs out in her jumperoo often, where she watches Owen and Sophie while chewing on her toys, babbling, and jumping up and down. When I’m holding her, she grabs my hair and tries to rip it out of my scalp. Her sleep sack no longer prevents her from moving; she scoots all over her crib, pushing herself into corners. When she’s laying down, she tries to push herself up on her knees into crawling position but can’t quite do it yet. I think she’ll learn to crawl and walk later than Owen did, which I’m more than okay with. I’m not in any rush to have two children that don’t listen when I say “Be still!”
Carmendy, or Carm-balls (as Owen likes to call her), is an extremely patient baby. She deals with constant noise and tugging from her older brother. She is surrounded by non-stop chaos. Her meals are often interrupted when O says “I need to go potty NOW!” But she’s a good sport. When Owen is driving me nuts, I sometimes catch her smiling at me and I immediately feel better. At least one person in this house isn’t a lunatic.
Check out my little valentine in her February-themed photos! Doesn’t she make you feel like you’ve been hit by cupid?
Blooper time! Just a few outtakes from our 6 month shoot:
Whatever’s in her hands inevitably ends up in her mouth.
Looking like she just got caught stealing something…
We were busy snapping away and then realized we forgot the number 6!
Carm’s reaction: “What do you mean we have to do it all over again?!?”