Spring is here and the flowers are blooming and it’s time for another update on my growing little sprout. Is it just me or are the months flying by? Only four more months until Carmendy is one year old! It makes me feel so sad when I think about it because I love this age, this time when babies are no longer boring infants but not yet exhausting toddlers. I’m trying to get in lots and lots of cuddles before she turns into a squirmy whining tot.
Back to the monthly update! Not much news to report this month. Carmendy is not crawling yet, although she tries and gets very frustrated when she can’t reach something she wants. She also starts to fuss when you take something away from her that she’s playing with — thus our first sibling “fights” have begun since Owen loves to take Carmendy’s toys from her. But these are the only times that Carmendy gets upset. Otherwise, she’s an easygoing gal. Just don’t mess with her stuff.
This past month Carmendy got a bunch of teeth. Four teeth came in at one time and she’s got two more poking through right now. She handles teething pretty well, but she’s vicious with her teeth. One of her favorite things to do is bite my shoulder. She giggles every time I yelp in pain and then goes in for another bite. I don’t want to sound like a wuss, but I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like to be attacked by a piranha. I’m considering bringing back the 80’s fashion and incorporating shoulder pads into my wardrobe; my bloody shoulders could use the protection.
But the biting is not my biggest frustration when it comes to Carm. Feeding her is even more annoying. I’ve once again been blessed with a bad eater. Carmendy refuses any solid food; she only wants boob. She’s as bad as Owen was, maybe worse since she can’t be distracted. Making the spoon fly around like an airplane and acting like a fool does NOTHING. She smiles sweetly but she does not slip for a second — that mouth does not open. This child will not be tricked and she is winning; I’ve just about given up on spoon feeding. Looks like I’m going to be breastfeeding for another year. UGH. Why are my kids milk junkies? I can only draw one conclusion from this: my breast milk must taste effing AH-mazing.
Also like her brother, Carmendy is very observant. When we’re out and about, she never falls asleep no matter how tired she might be. She is too interested in the world around her to close her eyes. Unlike Owen, she is intensely focused. She can become incredibly absorbed in whatever she’s doing – trying to pick up Cheerios, playing with a toy, or just looking at her hands. If she goes into this mode, it is nearly impossible to get her attention. When she’s sitting in the yard playing with the grass and dirt, a herd of elephants going by with a marching band wouldn’t be able to make her look up. That being said, taking photos of her can be very challenging. I’m surprised she isn’t looking down in every single shot.
Somehow this month we got some great pictures of our little focused girl! Take a look:
April showers bring May flowers…here’s Carmendy posing in her raincoat for her April-themed photos. I just wish I had some wellies for her.
And time for the outtakes of our silly baby!!
Here’s some of that intense focus…a wood number is fascinating in the hands of Carmendy:
She does this creepy thing with her hands, like she’s typing on an invisible keyboard:
She has not yet mastered sitting like a lady.
She giggles just like the Pillsbury Doughboy when you poke her tummy.

Carmendy is so cute! I can’t believe she’s 8 months old already! Those chubby legs!