The weather is heating up and Carmendy is speeding up! Yep, my baby girl is officially on the move. She started crawling this past month and every day she gets faster and faster. So now I have two kids to chase after (and one energetic pup). At least I don’t have to worry about being out of shape this summer.
Unlike her older brother, Carm crawls towards me rather than away from me. I set her down with her toys, walk away to do dishes, look down and there she is at my feet. She must really like me. Or she just doesn’t want to be left alone with Owen.
I know for sure that she does really like her daddy and her dog. Her entire face lights up when she sees Richard or spots Sophie. And the feeling is mutual; both of them adore Carmendy.
In addition to crawling, Carmendy is pulling herself up to stand. In the morning I find her standing in her crib, smiling and laughing. She looks so proud of herself when she’s on her two feet. Speaking of her feet, they are freakishly tiny in comparison to the rest of her. Size one shoes still fit. I’m not sure how she’s going to walk with such small feet, but her little bitty feet are super cute.
Carmendy continues to be WAY better with food than her bro (Alleluia!). She eats whatever is put in front of her, slowly shoving it in her mouth. When she spots something she wants to eat, she grabs it. The other day I put a slice of cake down on the table just within her reach and she immediately snatched a handful and devoured it.
It’s hard to believe that her first year is nearly over. When I look at these 10 month photos, I feel more than a little weepy; she suddenly looks so big with all her hair. Time really is fleeting. Now please excuse me while I go sob.
Our berry sweet little girl in her June-themed photos:
Getting silly with our monthly bloopers! This month Carmendy was all about sticking out her tongue and blowing raspberries at us.
The wooden number 10 barely made it through our photos this month, since Carm was intent on trying to destroy it.
She thought taking her hat off was hilarious.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how we get our model to smile. Good thing she’s ticklish!
Wagging her tongue…maybe she’s been hanging out with our dog too much: