It’s not often enough that I take time to recognize Richard and all he does for our family. With Father’s Day a couple days away and our anniversary right around the corner, I thought I should finally dedicate a posting to my husband.
After all, it is because of Richard that this little blog exists. He deals with the exhaustion and manic phases that come with keeping up with blogging. When the kids finally go to sleep at night, I usually start writing, editing and creating. And Richard patiently gives me the time, never complaining that we could be watching a movie and drinking wine together as a couple instead. He frequently gets suckered into helping with projects, cutting out envelope liners, blowing up balloons, peeling garlic…the list of random and weird tasks go on and on. It’s hard to find a guy who will glue crafts together for you. Luckily, Richard found me.
If you’ve ever met Richard, I’m sure you’ll agree when I say that he’s one-of-a-kind. He makes me laugh every day. He makes our children laugh every day. He is generous and thoughtful. He is friendly and loving.
Sure, because of him, our son loves to talk about poop, penises, farts, and balls. Because of Richard, I have to deal with this while taking photos:
But if it weren’t for Richard and his personality that he’s passed along to our kids, this blog would be a whole lot less entertaining. Because of him, I’m feeling very thankful this Father’s Day.
Here’s a video that I put together for Richard this Father’s Day — watch it and see how much Richard loves his little ones and how much we love him. Happy Father’s Day!