Good news! I’ll be chronicling Carmendy’s second year of life monthly, so you’ll continue to see her cute pics every 30 days. Here’s our 13-month-old’s first second year report and photos. It’s a little late (okay, maybe two weeks late….but at least I’m posting this before she’s 14 months old!).
This past month Carmendy reached a MAJOR milestone. She can walk!! Despite having ridiculously tiny feet, having to maneuver through piles of toys, and constantly being shoved to the floor by her brother, Carmendy took her first steps and quickly learned to toddle all over the place.
Little Carm experienced so many things this past month – her first camping trip, her first baseball game, and meeting her brand new baby cousin. She’s very go-with-the-flow. Some nights she has to stay up late while we have her out-and-about and she rarely gets fussy and rarely falls asleep. This girl can hang! Sometimes, after a long day on the beach, she’s extremely tired by dinnertime and she’ll literally eat with her eyes closed, half asleep. But she will keep eating, because she loves food. In fact, the only time Carmendy shows her temper is when she’s hangry. And she gets very, very hangry. But as soon as you give her food, she’s happy as a clam and methodically eats everything put in front of her. So different from Owen, who only ate cheese, yogurt and Cheerios at this age.
Carmendy loves to play with trash, stones or rocks, small sticks, napkins or tissues, straws, plastic utensils, Tupperware containers…basically anything that’s not a toy. She thinks it’s hilarious to sneak over to Sophie’s water bowl and spill it. You gotta be careful watching her; she’s devious and quiet and darts away when you least expect it.
Besides playing with non-toy items, Carmendy also loves petting and rolling over Sophie. She loves Owen, but not quite as much as she loves her Daddy, who is her favorite. She lights up when he comes through the door after work. She loves sand and water. And as I mentioned before, she loves to eat. She hates hair bows and she’s still not a fan of car rides.
Time for the photos! I’m loving the set-up for her “second year” monthly pictures. I ordered the sign from Etsy and made the rainbow pompom garland myself. The bright colors match Carmendy’s personality perfectly.
And here are a couple photos of Carmendy “checking off” her second year bucket list. (We did this with Owen, so of course we are doing it with Carm too!)