I’m about ten days behind with this monthly update, as usual. BUT Carmendy is still 14 months old AND we took her photos on the actual date of her birth this month. So I’m kind of killing it this month, at least compared to my punctuality in the rest of my life. I should probably give this post a gold star.
There isn’t much to report this month. I think we can officially call Carmendy a toddler now, as sad as this fact make me feels. She nearly runs (how the heck do these little people move so darn fast???). She shoves Owen back. She waves hello and goodbye. She has moments of shyness. She likes to eat IMMEDIATELY when she’s hungry. She says “hi” and “bye”. She no longer nurses (so long breastfeeding…’tis a bittersweet milestone to pass). She’s growing up.
Carmendy is a thoughtful tot. She’s quiet, but “sings” nonsense words as she thinks (obviously she’s mimicking her dad). She stares with intensity. I can see the wheels turning in her head. Her attention span is much longer than Owen’s attention span, which is still basically nonexistent even at the age of 3. She’s very different from Owen, but they have the same energy and determination. An exciting activity for Carmendy is walking around and around the kitchen table. And then climbing through the chairs. She LOVES to climb. When she climbs a stool and stands on it, you’d think she reached the top of Mount Everest from the giant smile on her face.
I can always count on Carmendy for a good snuggle and lots of giggles. Take a look at her monthly photos, such a big girl!
Owen, not wanting to be left out, took over the photo shoot. Typical older sibling.
Carmendy recently enjoyed a trip out to western PA to visit family. While there, we went into the valley of Elk County to view the elk herd — Carmendy’s first elk adventure! We, of course, documented it for her “bucket list.”
You can see some of the herd in the distance behind Carmendy in this photo:
Thanks for watching Carmendy grow with us!