It’s that time of the year — time to regale you with tales of our 3-year-old Owen. These update posts can get quite long, so without further ado, here’s what our little man has been up to for the past three months.
Now that we’re well into age three, I can officially say that three-year-olds are indeed more challenging than two-year-olds. I also now know why the term “threenager” was created. Sure, some aspects of parenting Owen are easier now. I can leave Owen alone to play in the family room and trust him not to do anything terrible while I quickly put away laundry or wash dishes. He can pull up his own underwear and pants (but I’m still waiting for him to wipe his own ass). He can sit in a normal dining chair and eat with utensils without making a huge mess. He’s a consistent sleeper at night (knock on wood). BUT, there are other aspects that are not so good. Three-year-old Owen is smarter; it’s much harder to trick him with bribery or white lies. His most common response to discipline is evil laughter. His listening skills need major improvement. His determined nature has turned into defiance. All this being said, he is still the same funny and charming kid.
Owen is obsessed with toys now. And he’s always trying to get more. While playing with his numerous Paw Patrol toys, he’ll look at me sweetly and say “I love Marshall. But I REALLY want Spy Chase, Mommy. I REALLY want him.” Then I tell him that he has to ask Santa for Spy Chase and wait until Christmas to get big toys. Owen the Negotiator quickly fires back “But Spy Chase is little. He is not big.” And I realize that I’m losing this conversation with my toddler, give up, and go drink more coffee.
Lots and lots of coffee is needed with Owen. I’m not sure what’s in his milk, but it must be speed. My mind cannot comprehend his bottomless energy. Why can’t he just sit? Why does he constantly need to be running and yelling? Owen is equally confused when I tell him I’m tired. He just looks at me doubtfully and 45 seconds later asks “Do you have energy to play now?” Sometimes we have those really busy days and I think to myself “Owen must be so tired. He is going to pass out early tonight.” Ha. Yeah right. Wishful thinking at its best.
Although it seems like Owen never listens, he must actually listen all the time because I’m constantly catching him repeating my words. Recently I overheard him correcting Carmendy. He firmly told her “You have two choices. Go to bed or get in time out.”
He often speaks like a mini adult or grumpy old man. While looking for a specific toy in the mess of about a gazillion toys, I heard him mutter exasperatedly “This is a waste of time.” When we told him a party would be fun to go to, that he’d meet friends, he replied “I don’t have time for more friends.” (Direct quote from our very social Owen, who is never shy and constantly starts conversations with strangers.) As I was driving in traffic in the minivan (or the Owen Mobile, as he calls it) with the kiddos, Owen informed me “I’m telling ya. You don’t want to be IN nasty traffic . You want to go AROUND it.” Sometimes he goes beyond talking in adult speak and busts out Shakespearean lingo. The other day when someone came to our door, he jumped up and shouted “Who goes there?!” like we live in a 15th century castle.
Other times he’s language and behavior is all toddler. He’s demanding. I frequently hear him yelling “Mommy, some help over here!” And if I don’t instantly respond to his demands, I usually get bombarded with whining: “I don’t like later! I don’t like you, Mommy. Go live somewhere else.” At these times, I do wish I could go live somewhere else.
Owen can be supportive sometimes, always offering a vote of confidence. When I say that I might be too tired to go outside and play with him, Owen says “You can do it, Mommy! I know you can.” As I was unpacking groceries from the minivan a few weeks ago, I asked Owen if he thought I could carry all of them inside in one trip. He enthusiastically said “Yes! Be strong like a Rescue Bot.” So inspirational, he is.
That saying “through the eyes of a child” is on point. The excitement and passion that Owen exudes for everyday mundane things is enviable and endearing. When Nana treated him with a Frosty from Wendy’s for lunch and placed it in front of his twinkling eyes, he exclaimed “Look at this beautiful Frosty!” Seriously, how cute is that?
Here are some more random tidbits from Owen these past few months. He keeps on generating content for these posts, haha!
- Like I mentioned earlier, Owen absorbs without appearing to pay any attention. He hates commercials and never sits through them. Yet, as we walk through Target, he yells out as he recognizes products, i.e. “Oxiclean!! It gets tough stains out!” Maybe he’s secretly watching infomercials in the middle of the night as I sleep?
- One day while in the minivan, Owen suddenly said “YOU say sorry just for show.” I thought WTF, but said “Excuse me?” He replied “She says it’s bad blood, Mommy.” And then I realized he was speaking Taylor Swift.
- A couple months ago, Owen noticed an adult spilling their drink at a party. Without hesitation, Owen helpfully said “You need a sippy cup.”
- Owen told me “I grew Carmendy in my belly. She’s my baby.” Is this some weird manifestation of an Oedipus complex?
- In the midst of a morning sickness attack, I had to stop and get a beverage while we were at Target. I told the cashier my order and Owen interrupted to add his order: “And I’ll have a medium milk, please.” At least he has manners.
- Recently Owen ran up to a stranger, poked him in the privates with a Paw Patrol toy, and then he ran off shouting “I got him!!!” Yep, not much embarrasses me anymore, friends.
- One day Owen looked at me quizzically and said “Why are your boobs still in your shirt?” Umm, because this is our house not a topless nightclub?
And that’s probably a good place to end this. Here are some fall-themed photos of Owen at 3 ¼ years old. Thanks for reading!