Happy Half Birthday, Carmendy! This era of chronicling her life each month is quickly coming to an end. Six more months until she turns two. Wow. I need to start planning another birthday party (yep, I start this far in advance because I am not normal).
Carmendy continues to be a funny little munchkin. Her favorite things to say are “BAD DOG” and “Where is ba-ba (i.e. bottle)?” She loves to be tickled. She does not like to stay still; if given the opportunity to move, she will flee. She likes playing with her dolls and other toys, but she mainly prefers to play with trash and to wreck Owen’s Lego creations and puzzles.
She has a tiny voice, especially compared to her brother’s tremendous vocal chords. But don’t let her quietness fool you. She is mighty and not afraid to assert herself. Carmendy is going through a jealous phase (one that I imagine will last for the rest of her life); anytime Owen sits in my lap or Richard’s lap, she throws a fit. Even sharing my lap with Owen is not acceptable.
Carmendy is not the cuddliest of babies but when she does cuddle, she gives it her all. She holds my face with her hands and looks into my eyes while snuggling and kissing. It’s so freaking adorable, you guys. And when it’s bedtime, she wanders around making sure to give everyone, including our pup Sophie, a hug and kiss goodnight.
Getting this kid to sit for photos is super hard. It’s pretty much a miracle each month that we are able to find a half dozen photos that are usable for these posts. Here are the photos that we managed to capture this month:
And for the sake of her bucket list, we forced Carmendy to go sledding while she had a nasty cold. Sure, she hated it…but at least we got something checked off her to do list!