The fifth of May is a week away! Time for a Cinco de Mayo party! (Although this mama could really use a siesta not a fiesta.)
But I can’t resist celebrating a holiday that makes for great decorations. Cinco de Mayo brings out the best of my creativity with its bright colors and festive piñatas. Plus I really like tacos. And margaritas. And Corona. And anything else Mexican.
Our Cinco de Mayo festivities will be next week, but here’s a sneak peek of the fun decor we’re getting ready. As always, I pulled off the decorations with a tiny budget and a lot of easy DIY projects.
I made a bunch of flowers with tissue paper in yellow, orange, and bright pink. These flowers are so easy to make – just Google for directions! I used some of the flowers for hanging garland and some I put in bottles and vases, attaching green pipe cleaners for “stems.”
I loved the hanging tissue balls in bright yellow that I found from Oriental Trading; they added some dimension and were super easy to put together. And I found bright-colored doilies on sale at Michael’s craft store, which I taped to string for a simple but pretty garland.
Along with the tissue paper flowers, I also made flowers out of orange party paper plates. I’ll share the tutorial for making these soon, I promise! These flowers were super easy and look so cool…be glad my child doesn’t sleep well, because this is the weird stuff that I think up in the middle of the night to share with you guys on this blog.
I also found adorable little fiesta donkeys from Oriental Trading that I used for table decorations (and as favor toys for the children). Can you spot the donkeys in the pictures? hehe
How about that yummy-looking old fashioned crown jewel Jello cake? Yeah, I didn’t make that for our Cinco de Mayo party. But I thought it looked good in these photos. It does, right?
I also made utensil “roll-ups” with fiesta striped napkins and tissue paper flower napkin rings. They look amazing, but take no effort to make! Just take a couple sheets of tissue paper (about 12 inches by 6-8 inches) and roll and twist it tightly, leaving a couple inches at one end untwisted. Fluff and gently pull the untwisted end to create a pretty flower. Then wrap and “tie” around the napkin and utensils.
Isn’t that fiesta fringe table runner awesome? Fits perfectly with all the tissue paper flowers and bright colors.
And I made Richard blow up a giant cactus. Because a cactus is necessary at a Cinco de Mayo party. Obviously.
I re-purposed some of the striped fiesta napkins into a colorful and easy hanging garland.
Here are lots more photos so you can see every detail from every angle. You’re welcome.