My baby girl is turning into a big girl each day. Life is so busy, it feels like there’s not enough time to fully enjoy Carmendy at this age. And I love this age! Sure, like all children at this stage, she has tantrums, desperately wants to be independent, and is extremely stubborn (the brink of the terrible two’s, right?).
But I love hearing her talk and say new things. Just watching her march around our house makes me smile. She loves to laugh and I love the sound of her giggles (even though her laugh has become quite diabolical sounding over the past couple of months).
Carmendy is a simple kiddo. Her favorite things are snacks (food is the one thing that can really set her temper off) and the most random toys and pieces of trash that she can find to play with. She’s fearless; she loves jumping, tumbling, climbing and being tossed all around by her Daddy. Water puts her in the happiest of moods. If I say the word “bath”, she immediately goes to the door to our bathroom, all excited. Oceans, baths, lakes, pools, sinks…if there’s water, she’s smiling and splashing.
But, by far, her most favorite thing to do is walk. Far. Very far. This girl will walk for miles and still refuse to get in a stroller or be held. Those little legs just keep on going and going. I’m glad that for now my Miss Independent still holds my hand.