Our elf is baaaaacck. And we celebrated with our North Pole Breakfast!
We welcomed the arrival of the Elf on the Shelf for this Christmas season with our annual holiday breakfast. I love this tradition, even though it falls right after Thanksgiving at the most inconvenient time for party prep. And despite the fact that I am not a huge fan of the Elf on the Shelf crap. (Is it just me or is he a little creepy looking?) Come to think of it, the main reason I enjoy this celebration so much is because it’s an excuse to force Richard into an elf costume.
After keeping similar decorations for our annual North Pole Breakfast in 2014 and 2015, we decided to change things up a bit this year. So, we added pink touches to the snowy decor and lots of bottle brush trees. I thought it looked quite magical for our little snitch elf.
Our North Pole Breakfast menu included spinach and cheese quiche, tater tots, a cinnamon roll bake, bacon, sausage, and a fruit tray with marshmallow dip. It was a yummy feast to kick-off the countdown to Christmas.
Take a look at our morning with the Elf on the Shelf!
Note: If you’re interested in printables (letter from Santa, letter from your elf, Christmas wish list, etc.) for a North Pole Breakfast, please get in touch with me and ask about my Elf Breakfast Kit.
Welcome Back, Elf on the Shelf!
Can you tell that I’m obsessed with bottlebrush trees? I found these trees to decorate the center of the breakfast table at Walmart, Target and Michael’s. Around the trees, we spread sparkly faux snow and scattered glass ornaments. Our elf Tiny sat on a red cake stand in the middle of the table.
I made party hats from glitter paper and white pompoms (from the Target dollar spot) that looked like Santa or elf hats. So cute!
I love this Merry Christmas sign that I found at Marshall’s.
Every elf party needs a countdown! I’m also obsessed with felt letter boards right now, and this one worked perfectly for our countdown.
I arranged our fruit into a candy cane shape – this menu item is the most popular with the kiddos.
We had a bunch of props (also from the Target dollar spot) for photos, but our children were mostly whiny and uncooperative at this year’s North Pole Breakfast, thanks to colds. So I took about zero good photos of the kids during the welcome back festivities. The children were too busy crying for candy canes.
I did manage to capture this one photo. My nephew Dominick was terrified of Richard the Elf, for obvious reasons, so he refused to be in the picture. Winnie had the same feelings about Richard the Elf, but was forced to sit in his lap. (The elf costume seemed a bit shorter this year, so more was exposed than appropriate when Richard sat down. LOL.)
Despite the children being fussy and disagreeable, we had a great time welcoming back the Elf on the Shelf!

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