Poor third child. Once again, I’m late posting her monthly update.
However, it’s not all my fault. If Winnie slept a little better (or at all), I think I’d be right on time with her blog postings.
I feel like I say this constantly and I know I sound like a broken record, yet I can’t stop saying it: HOW DOES TIME GO BY SO FAST?!? Who knew 4 months could go by so quickly when you’re awake for nearly all of it?
Winnie doesn’t look like a newborn anymore. She is round and chubby, with the cutest fluff of reddish-brown hair. She finally figured out how to roll over and this activity occupies much of her time.
Her baby teeth have yet to appear, and so she continues to gnaw on her hands and anything else that she can put in her mouth every second of every day. As a result, Winnie is always wet and slobbery. For the first time, I need a dribble bib for my kid.
Even though Winnie is a horrible sleeper at night, during the day she’s a pretty easy, normal baby. She occupies herself much of the time, playing with her toes and chewing her fingers. She’s a happy baby.
Honestly, she’s never without entertainment. Her brother and sister provide a nonstop circus in our house. Sometimes I wonder what she’s thinking when she watches Owen and Carm jumping off the walls. I’m pretty sure her thoughts include “WTF, who are these lunatics and why am I living in a zoo?”
So, despite keeping us up all night, Winnie is our easiest child for the moment. It’s absolutely lovely having a kid that doesn’t talk about butt cracks.
Winnie: please stay small forever.