A cookie theme party was necessary for our cookie-obsessed little guy’s second birthday. And with his birthday at the end of November, a cozy cookies and milk party seemed perfect for the time of year too.

My original plan was to combine his birthday celebration with our annual Elf on the Shelf welcome breakfast that we have with the kids’ cousins. But the worsening Covid-19 wave ruined that plan. For the first time since the pandemic, we were forced to have a virtual Zoom party. We couldn’t have a small socially distant outdoor party with our cousin pandemic pod like we managed to do for our other kids’ birthdays.
That didn’t stop me from setting up the cutest party table for him. We had a little celebration with just our family (with 4 kids, it always feels like a wild party), and then family near and far joined us on Zoom to watch Milo open gifts and eat his cake and cookies.
Since my plan had been to include Elf on the Shelf festivities with Milo’s party, I envisioned having a little bit of a holiday vibe with his decorations – a cozy, Santa’s workshop feel. And, of course, with a lot of cookies.

I found a red cable knit table runner that inspired the rest of the tabletop. Here are all the details from the cookies and milk birthday party decorations:
- Mugs wrapped in red knit cozies matching perfectly with the runner
- Wooden cake stands and platters to display piles of cookies
- Mini paper milk cartons for favor boxes
- Glass milk bottles topped with a cookie holding a straw
- Wooden name tags for each of the place settings, which were also favors that could be used later for stockings
- Red and white plaid napkins
- Beige buffalo plaid plates
- Disposable wood utensils
- A wooden sign decorated with real cookies and the phrase “it’s fun to be two and eat cookies with you!”
And my favorite part….the cake! I decorated a plain vanilla frosted cake with mini chocolate chip cookies (gluten free for Winnie). It was so simple but so cute, finished with two red birthday candles.

Of course, I took a bunch of photos (even though the lighting was terrible because it was a rainy late November day). So now I’m going to flood this post with every good pic from Milo’s cookies and milk party and you can admire the details.

Unfortunately, I didn’t really get any photos of the birthday boy himself! Fourth child problems! But he was happy with all the cookies.

Aren’t these tags from Etsy amazing? And they were perfect to use for Christmas stockings and presents a few weeks after Milo’s party.