She’s two! And so this is the very last monthly post about Carmendy.
On one hand, I’m glad I don’t have to take these photos each month because my children hate modeling. On the other hand, I’m sad to close this chapter. It seems like just yesterday when Carmendy was making her dramatic entrance into the world (but also feels like an eternity ago).
Carmendy has changed so much this year. Unlike Owen, who has had the same personality and energy since birth, our little girl has morphed from a calm baby into a runaway toddler. I never would have guessed when she was a baby that she’d grow into the type of child who requires a leash. Nor would I have guessed she’d have a sinister laugh. Her smile is the happiest thing I’ve ever seen and her giggle is the most devious thing I’ve ever heard. When I think about her future tween years, I get butterflies in my stomach. This one is going to be a handful.
At two years old, Carmie basically lives for snacks. She stands in our kitchen and points at the cabinets and requests “pretzels” or “chocolate” or “icey cream” over and over again. Despite all the snacking, she’s on the smaller side for her age — a little less than 25 pounds. Guess all that running away from me on the beach keeps her fit.
In the past month, she’s really started speaking in full sentences. Most of these sentences begin with “I want”:
“I want OUT, Mommy.”
“I want food, Mommy.”
“I want up, Mommy.”
“I want down, Mommy.”
“I want juice, Mommy.”
She has a hard time pronouncing the letter “l,” so she says “I wuv you.” I hope she always says it that way.
Carmendy is very possessive of me. She does not like when I give Owen hugs. She does not want to share my lap with him. I have a feeling that she’s going to be less than enthused by the arrival of her baby brother or sister.
Here are the last monthly photos of our little girl. I may be bias, but I think she’s cuter now than ever before.