It’s May and everything is growing fast, including Carmendy and the weeds in our yard. Our baby girl is nine months old and suddenly she’s looking bigger.
She has hair now! It’s actually long enough that it makes little curls in the humid spring air. So cute!
This past month Carmendy touched sand for the first time during a day trip to the shore. Given her love for grass and dirt, it was no surprise that she LOVED sand. This girl was practically rolling in it while shoveling it in her mouth. There were approximately two tons of sand in her diaper after leaving the beach. And I was still finding sand in her ears three days later.
She’s starting to show her first signs of temper tantrums. Yay. When you take something from her (like a clump of dog fur that she pulled out of Sophie that she’s trying to eat), she immediately starts to cry like a diva. She’s pretty persistent about trying to get what she wants back too. I think we’ve got another stubborn kid on our hands.
Carmendy is almost crawling, up on all fours and ready to go. But she doesn’t need to crawl to get where she wants to go; she manages to scoot and roll to her destination. I’m constantly finding her with the dog’s chew bone, since she rolls right to it. (Yes, my child prefers the dog’s toys over her own.)
She also makes her way to me whenever I’m sitting on the floor and she spots me. She lunges towards me and it melts my heart. Sure, she still tries to bite off my flesh but it’s okay because I kind of want to eat her too.
A few weeks ago we gave up on trying to force feed pureed baby foods to Carmendy. We ditched the baby food jars of squash and pears and moved on to table foods. Best. Parenting. Decision. Ever. Carmendy loves big people food that she picks up with her own hands. Sometimes she gets so excited when she sees her food, she starts doing a little twist dance in her high chair (I really need to capture it on video because it is so darn cute!). Then she methodically eats everything that we put in front of her. Since she hasn’t mastered her fine tune motor skills (although she can somehow find and pick up the tiniest pieces of dirt on the carpet), some of her food always ends up on the floor. Which means that Sophie is one happy dog.
Here’s our blooming baby with her growing hair. Happy 9 months, Baby Carm!
Here’s our sunny girl sprouting up in her May-themed flower photos.
Blooper time! This month Carmendy was all about attacking her stuffed bear — pulling his ears, chewing his face, and smothering him:
Alphabet blocks are serious business.
Clearly Carmendy doesn’t want to age because she kept trying to make her number 9 into a number 6.
Snatching her number 9 from the bear:
“I didn’t touch anything. Look, Mom, my hands are empty!”

Your baby is adorable. Found you via (MBC). I’m also a Jersey girl…Central Jersey though. I live in the south now but I will always be from Jersey.
Thank you! Yay for Jersey! Hope you get to come back to your home state every now and then.