Ahh, one more month until my baby is two! I’m in the home stretch…only one more monthly update to go. I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep up with this for the past two years. Even if some posts were ridiculously late, I think I deserve a big pat on the back. I’m sure Carmendy will thank me one day for chronicling her first years of life (or die of embarrassment when she discovers these).
Carmendy is a character. She beats to her own drum. I recognize a lot of my personality in her: she loves food; she’s friendly but a bit of an introvert; she’s laid-back but every now and then her temper flares. Just like Carm, when I was a small child, I could be a little sneaky and I also liked to investigate and find things (major dork alert — at one time, I really wanted a metal detector). My little bean loves darting across the beach, stopping to collect shells and trash that catch her eye. She also likes to walk up to strangers and stare at them, eyeing up the snacks in their beach totes. One thing we don’t have in common is her bravery (that’s from her Daddy for sure).
She knows many more words now, although she’s not very talkative (compared to Owen at least). Her new vocabulary includes “fart,” “poopie,” “nuggets,” and “boobies.” So, yeah, you can tell she has an older brother.
Most importantly, she has finally started saying “I love you.” It melts my heart. Despite being independent, she’s incredibly cuddly. She gives THE best hugs. She loves to laugh and loves to be silly with her brother.
Carmendy is still not very picky about food (unless she’s not hungry, which is rare). If I want her to come to me and cooperate, I can just say the word “snack.” If I want to keep her from running off on the beach, I can just wave a bag of pretzels. Her face lights up when she sees food, sometimes she even squeals and giggles. A few days ago, I left her alone with Owen for a couple minutes to switch our laundry from the washer to the dryer and I came back to find her standing in front of the open freezer, eating a bag of frozen chocolate chips that she’d dug out. She just looked at me (not at all sorry), pointed inside the freezer, and asked “Ice cream?” A little while later, I went to unload the dryer and came back to once again find her eating — this time she was devouring a box of Cheez-It’s that she must have convinced her brother to get for her.
Here are the latest monthly photos of Carmie, sporting her signature look, pigtails. Next time she’ll be two!!