Watch Winnie Grow {A Long Overdue Update}

Oh, Winnie. My apologies to you, my third child. I really dropped the ball on your monthly updates. Blame your two demanding older siblings…and also yourself, since “sleeping through the night” is something you are unwilling to do.

I’ve been trying to catch up because, man, do I feel guilty. (I’m learning that these two states – feeling guilty and trying to catch up – are perpetual for mothers.) Here I am, about 10 posts behind on writing anything about Winnie. My little bear has changed so much. She’s been walking for nearly half her life! And the last time I wrote about her, she was still a couple months away from her first steps.

So where the heck have I been? Not working on this blog, obviously. 🙂

I’ve been doing a lot of parenting — so much parenting that I’ve only had enough time to do it, not capture it. But I’m determined to get back to this space, to fill it with creativity and humor once again. I’m going to start by sharing updates on my three little ones. I have a VERY long list of ideas for blog posts, and I would love to hear your ideas to add to my list: what would you like to read? Party ideas? Crafts? Funny parenting stories? Recipes? Go ahead and leave me a comment. But first, find out what Winnie has been up to during the past 10 months.

Winnie is sweet, feisty, curious, and squirmy. She loves to move, and she thinks running away from me is the funniest thing ever. Even though this “game” really amuses her, she actually loves being near humans. She’s quite the clinger, and likes any person that pays attention to her. Winnie continues to be our super girl, the strongest of our 3 kids. When getting blood work done, she barely notices the needles. And despite being our smallest babe by far, she’s the hardest to hold onto. She’s tiny but powerful.

At 10 months old, she started walking and now it’s hard to remember when she didn’t walk. She looks so funny when she’s toddling around, probably because she’s still so tiny. All that walking doesn’t wear her out much though; she still has plenty of energy left to cry and fuss in the middle of the night.

Recently, Winnie started talking. She says a handful of words – dog, no, stop, mommy, daddy, dinosaur. She loves yelling out Carmendy’s name over and over again. I’m guessing this is because she hears me say Carmendy about ten thousand times every hour (listening is NOT one of Carmendy’s strengths). Winnie’s little voice makes me laugh, it’s so deep yet so squeaky.

She’s got a weird voice, but otherwise Winnie is just like any other baby/toddler. She likes animals and snacks. She tries to put everything she finds in her mouth. She can’t make up her mind if she wants to be held or put down. She does not like to share. She likes music and dancing and being silly with her brother and sister. Sneaking food to our dog Sophie is probably her number one favorite thing to do.

Our little Winnie Bear is not the cuddliest, but somehow she’s still the most loving baby. I can’t believe she’s 17 months old already!! Here are a bunch of photos of her from age 8 months old to one year old, so you can see some of her personality yourself.



winnie 12 month rainbow


ice cream sig

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