Another month has passed – time for an update on our littlest little! Baby Carm is growing rapidly and losing her newborn looks. Upon meeting her, almost everyone says “She’s a chubby one, isn’t she?” Apparently, feasting on my breast milk day and night is like chugging milkshakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner…the pounds pile on. She’s a great baby to cuddle and hug. There’s lots to squeeze.
My chubster is very easy going. Not much perturbs her. And sometimes she sleeps up to 7 hours straight. But most of the time she’s still up every few hours, hungry for more. Which means that most mornings I wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. The joys of parenthood.
Carmendy’s neck is growing stronger. She likes to look around. She can stay content for quite a while just looking around from her stroller or a blanket on the floor. This works well for me, since I frequently have to plop her down to run after her brother. A half hour later after finally catching Owen and remembering where I abandoned Carmendy, I usually find her just as I left her…dreamily looking around or snoozing.
The biggest milestone of the past month was our little girl’s first smile! A couple weeks ago she started smiling back at us. Her smile really brings out her double chin. I love it.
And here are our October-themed monthly photos! My little pumpkin Carm is all ready for her first Halloween.
And, yep, I’ve got blooper shots for you too. Here you go:
The inability to sit = funny photos.
She’s getting more expressive, which means more funny photos!
Look at her go! Wiggly and jiggly.