Pink Halloween Birthday Party: Boo! Winnie’s Two

Pink Halloween Birthday Party: Boo! Winnie’s Two

With Winnie’s birthday in October, a Halloween-theme party was inevitable and I love how her pink Halloween birthday party turned out! It was a spooky-fun time, but not “two” scary for our little two-year-old. It’s been nearly a month since Winnie’s birthday, but life has been busy and challenging the past few weeks. So you… Continue Reading

Back to School Dinner with Easy Apple Cookies

Back to School Dinner with Easy Apple Cookies

School started a couple weeks ago, and we kicked off the academic year with a back to school dinner! I made the cutest easy apple cookies to serve too! The beginning of school is not my favorite time of year; summer is my season. But this year felt worthy of celebration because it’s Carmendy’s first experience EVER… Continue Reading

Pastel Candy Birthday Party: Carmendy is FOUR!

Pastel Candy Birthday Party: Carmendy is FOUR!

Over a month ago, we celebrated Carmendy turning four with a pastel candy birthday party! It was the stuff that Carmendy’s dreams are made of with sweets, sweets and more sweets and pretty pastel colors. Just like Owen’s party this year, we kept things super simple. No invitation was sent. We casually planned an afternoon at… Continue Reading

Wild Kratts Birthday Party: Owen Turns 6!

Wild Kratts Birthday Party: Owen Turns 6!

Last month, we celebrated Owen turning 6 with a small Wild Kratts birthday party. He loves Wild Kratts and animals of all kinds (almost as much as he still loves dinosaurs) so he was super excited for his wild creature themed birthday celebration! Owen requested a Wild Kratts birthday party “at the beach” with a… Continue Reading

Watch Winnie Grow {A Long Overdue Update}

Watch Winnie Grow {A Long Overdue Update}

Oh, Winnie. My apologies to you, my third child. I really dropped the ball on your monthly updates. Blame your two demanding older siblings…and also yourself, since “sleeping through the night” is something you are unwilling to do. I’ve been trying to catch up because, man, do I feel guilty. (I’m learning that these two… Continue Reading

Easy Valentine’s Day Party for Kids

Easy Valentine’s Day Party for Kids

Throw a Valentine’s Day Party for kids that will impress everyone! You’ll fall in love with these simple ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day with children. Putting together something special for holidays like Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be hard. A few easy but awesome ideas can go a long way in creating a celebration to… Continue Reading

Winnie’s Boho Vintage Winnie the Pooh Birthday Party

Winnie’s Boho Vintage Winnie the Pooh Birthday Party

Somehow a year has flown by and my little baby is ONE. A few weeks ago, we celebrated with the most adorable Boho-style, vintage Winnie the Pooh birthday party. I’ve known the theme for Winnie’s party since the she was born. When you name your kid Winnie, it’s pretty much feels like a requirement to have a… Continue Reading

A Spooky Black & White Halloween Party

A Spooky Black & White Halloween Party

Getting ready to throw a spooky celebration for Halloween? I’ve got a few easy and boo-tiful ideas for a black & white Halloween party. Halloween is my fav. Candy corn, costumes, candy, candy corn…what’s not to love? It’s pretty much every thing I love about life in one holiday. I thoroughly enjoy planning really creative… Continue Reading