Tag Archives: baby’s first year

Winnie {8 Months Old}

Winnie {8 Months Old}

Wow, I’m actually posting something! It’s been awhile, strangers. I know I’ve been missing in action the past few months. This is for several reasons, including: Carmendy no longer takes regular naps. School’s out for summer and my kids demand approximately 547 snacks per day. And when I have free time and I’m not feeling like… Continue Reading

Winnie {Six Months Old}

Winnie {Six Months Old}

Last week was Winnie’s half birthday. SIX MONTHS OLD. It’s hard to believe half a year went by so quickly. My Winnie bear is getting so big. Like, literally. I think she had a hundred growth spurts this month. And she’s a strong girl, pushing and shoving with her legs. Milestones are hard to predict,… Continue Reading

Winnie {One Month Old}

Winnie {One Month Old}

My littlest little is one month old. How the heck did that happen already? The past few weeks have gone by so fast. Knowing this is my last experience with a newborn, I’ve been trying to soak in the snuggles and tiny baby coos as we get to know our new bundle. I find it… Continue Reading

Our Holly Jolly 4-Month-Old

Our Holly Jolly 4-Month-Old

Carmendy has been 4 months for over a week now. And Christmas is only 6 days away. How did that happen? Time is speeding by. We’ve been so busy during the past month – a visit to Lancaster to see her great grandmother, her first ride into Philly on the train, her first tree lighting,… Continue Reading

Baby Carmendy: Two Months Old and Too Cute

Baby Carmendy: Two Months Old and Too Cute

Another month has passed – time for an update on our littlest little! Baby Carm is growing rapidly and losing her newborn looks. Upon meeting her, almost everyone says “She’s a chubby one, isn’t she?” Apparently, feasting on my breast milk day and night is like chugging milkshakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner…the pounds pile… Continue Reading

Baby O’s First Year: A Look Back in Photos

Baby O’s First Year: A Look Back in Photos

The first year is over and the second year is underway! Owen is almost 13 months old and I haven’t even shared a compilation of his monthly photos from the first 12 months yet. So here it is! A look back at Owen’s first 365 days. I’ll let the photos do the talking for this… Continue Reading