Tag Archives: rainbow baby

Winnie {8 Months Old}

Winnie {8 Months Old}

Wow, I’m actually posting something! It’s been awhile, strangers. I know I’ve been missing in action the past few months. This is for several reasons, including: Carmendy no longer takes regular naps. School’s out for summer and my kids demand approximately 547 snacks per day. And when I have free time and I’m not feeling like… Continue Reading

Winnie {7 Months Old}

Winnie {7 Months Old}

I can’t believe I just typed “7 MONTHS OLD” for this post’s title. Time keeps going faster and faster. And Winnie seems to be growing faster and faster. The past few weeks have been big for my Winn bean. She figured out how to crawl shortly after turning six months old. Now she’s moved on… Continue Reading

Winnie {Six Months Old}

Winnie {Six Months Old}

Last week was Winnie’s half birthday. SIX MONTHS OLD. It’s hard to believe half a year went by so quickly. My Winnie bear is getting so big. Like, literally. I think she had a hundred growth spurts this month. And she’s a strong girl, pushing and shoving with her legs. Milestones are hard to predict,… Continue Reading

Winnie {Five Months Old}

Winnie {Five Months Old}

Once again, I’m really late with Winnie’s update. She’ll be six months old in less than two weeks. But, hey, at least I’m writing about her being five months old while she’s still five months old. My tardiness this month is Owen’s fault. He brought some horrible Ebola-like virus into our household, which basically ruined… Continue Reading

Winnie {Three Months Old}

Winnie {Three Months Old}

Hey, it’s me, the mom that forgot to write her baby’s two month post. So here I am writing her three month post, because by the time I remembered to write her monthly update, she was already more than 3 months old. Oops. But I would like to point out that I DID remember to… Continue Reading

Rainbow Baby Kopp Is On The Way!

Rainbow Baby Kopp Is On The Way!

“He makes all things beautiful in His time.” And it’s finally time for us to share our news. We’re so happy to announce that we’re expecting our rainbow baby. This October our arms will be fuller and the hole in our hearts will be slightly smaller. When we lost our baby girl last November, we were… Continue Reading